Migration To Uk Decrease By 20 Per Cent

According to official statistics, the net number of migrants entering the UK decreased by 20% in the year ending in June. It was dropped from a record 906,000 in the year before June 2023 to an expected 728,000. . The difference between the number of persons entering and departing the nation is known as net migration. In the year ending June 2024, an anticipated 1.2 million persons entered the UK, while 479,000 are expected to have departed. This contrasts with 414,000 departures and 1.3 million arrivals in the UK in the year ending June 2023. The collapse has been at least partially caused by the Tories, who have tried to take credit for it. the fall
has been at least partly driven by the party's changes to visa rules, including a clampdown on international students bringing family members with them to the UK. But Labour blames the Tories for letting the numbers get out of control.
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