............................................................... ................................................................... American Red Cross Faces Emergency Blood Shortage, Donors Gets $20 Amazon Gift Card

American Red Cross Faces Emergency Blood Shortage, Donors Gets $20 Amazon Gift Card


The American Red Cross going through an emergency blood shortage after its national blood inventory plummeted more than 25 per cent in July. The recent blood collection challenges include this summer’s record setting heat and seasonal obstacles such as vacation travel and summer activities. 

Donations are critically needed. As a special thank you to those who give blood by August 31, donors will receive a $20 Amazon.com gift card by email.

The Red Cross works with hospitals around the clock to meet the blood needs of patients. When type O blood is extremely low, the organization has to reduce distributions of this vital blood type to below hospital comfort levels.

“Having type O blood products readily available is vital to providing timely and lifesaving care to patients in need,” Dr. Baia Lasky, division chief medical officer for the Red Cross, disclosed. 

“In fact, for a patient suffering massive blood loss, like an individual in a car accident or a mom experiencing a severe postpartum hemorrhage, group O is the most commonly transfused blood type. 

For trauma patients, each minute of delay can increase the chance of death by 5%.  More than a quarter of all blood products each year are used in critical care and emergency room situations - those transfusions are only available because of the generosity of blood and platelet donors.”

American Red Cross: Lifesaving nonprofit

The American Red Cross shelters, feeds and provides comfort to victims of disasters, supplies about 40 per cent of the nation’s blood, teaches skills that save lives, distributes international humanitarian aid, and supports veterans, military members and their families. 

The nonprofit organization depends on volunteers and the generosity of the American public to deliver its mission. Visit redcross.org for more information.

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